Japanese quail eggs – cheap superfood

For several centuries, scientific studies have been conducted in Japan and China, and in the last 7-8 decades in Russia, Hungary, England, Italy, France, Germany, America and Canada, and Japanese quails have been bred. It has been scientifically proven how healing their quail eggs, meat and broth are. The healing effect has a beneficial effect on the human body, especially on the bloodstream, heart, liver and kidneys. They are very successful in treating migraines, bronchial asthma, anemia, high blood pressure, nervous tension, heart disease, blood fats, and digestive disorders.

For people who are anemic (number of erythrocytes in ml of blood), medicine recommends eating foods that have a lot of iron (Fe)! Young iron has the most iron in the meat that a person consumes. For the sake of comparison, one egg of a Japanese quail, which has an average of 12-13 grams, contains more iron than 1.5 kg of beef!

Japanese quail eggs, compared to chicken, contain 5 times more phosphorus, 7 times more iron, 10 times more b-complex vitamins (b1, b2, b6, b12). They also contain vitamins a, e, c, then 11% of minerals, potassium and very important enzymes that slow down the aging process of cells and the organism as a whole.

# Japanese quail eggs and meat are very useful for: developing children,
# regeneration of the organism,
# dietitians and
#recovalescents (people recovering from illness or surgery).

Athletes around the world use quail eggs as “permitted doping” in order to achieve better fitness of the organism.
Quail eggs are a real energy “pearl” for our body, so they should be consumed regularly, as a preventive measure, above all.

The Japanese quail is one of the most resistant birds on the planet, which is very valuable and important when it comes to bird flu!
Japanese and Russian scientists have repeated a very simple experiment several times: at the same time, they radioactively irradiated domestic coca and Japanese quail coca. After a month, the eggs of domestic hens kept the radioactivity, and the quail eggs were completely healthy !!!

So, science concludes that the “secret” is in the perfect metabolism that nature gave to the Japanese quail …

Another experiment: domestic coca and Japanese quail were fed identical food. The eggs laid by Japanese quails differ drastically in their bio-chemical composition! What is most obvious – a hard-boiled chicken egg is full of cholesterol, while a quail egg contains only good cholesterol and traces of it!

In developed countries, quail eggs are used to make cosmetics (I can send those interested very simple recipes that are used to care for oily and dry skin and hair)!

Consumption of quail eggs to improve health:
they are drunk only once a day in the morning, 30-60 minutes before breakfast!
The first three days, three eggs are taken, and later 4 or 5 pieces, raw-live eggs.

Since many do not like the taste of raw eggs, there are many ways that this drink can be made as a juice, for example:
in a 2 dl glass, beat the eggs by hand or with a mixer (together egg whites and yolks). Then a tablespoon of orange syrup, lemon, called … is added to the beaten eggs … Honey or sugar can be added (except for diabetics) – as it suits. Then the glass is filled with plain (non-carbonated) water and all this is mixed together and drunk in 3-4 sips!
What is very important: eggs must be raw-alive because that is how they give a full effect in the treatment.

Medicine recommends:
Disease Number of eggs
high blood pressure 120
anemia 120
atherosclerosis 240
bronchial asthma 240
gastritis 240
diabetes 240
migraine 240
cholesterol and triglycerides 240
indigestion 240
severe asthma 1080

Note: Salmonella bacteria that attack meat, milk, cheese and eggs develop at temperatures of 8 degrees and above. That is why science recommends that all these foods be stored in the refrigerator where the temperature is 1-4 degrees.

The shelf life of quail eggs is 60 days, provided that they are stored in the refrigerator. After this period, they can be thermally processed (cooked, fried) and consumed.

Personal example: due to increased fats in the blood (triglycerides), for many years I avoided e.g. chicken egg scrambled eggs that I love to eat. Ever since I started breeding Japanese quail, my wife has completely thrown chicken eggs out of use and everything she makes from eggs is used exclusively by quail! In addition to consuming raw quail eggs every morning, we often have quail meat and scrambled eggs on the table.

Very important: science has determined and proved that only fertilized eggs are healing ! This means that if a quail hen lays an egg without the presence of roosters, such an egg is not fertilized, that is. not healing !

In Serbia, a box of 30 eggs costs $4, which is why we can safely say that Japanese quail eggs are a cheap superfood.

The healing effects of Japanese quail eggs and their connection to muscle growth, bodybuilding and athletes in general.

1.) “High” protein content: Japanese quail eggs contain high concentrations of protein, in terms of the ratio of fat and carbohydrates from the egg ,34% of calories are from protein and 66% from fat 0% carb, which are essential for building muscle mass. 100 g of eggs contain 13 g of protein ,11 g of fat the rest is water, minerals, vitamins and enzymes.

Proteins are the basic building blocks for muscle growth and recovery after training.

2.) Healthy fats and vitamins: Quail eggs contain healthy fats that can support testosterone production. Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, play an important role in regulating hormones, including testosterone. Also, vitamins such as vitamin D and B-complex, which are found in eggs, can have a positive effect on hormone balance.

3.) Amino acids: Quail eggs contain all the essential amino acids, which are important for protein synthesis and muscle regeneration. In particular, leucine, which is essential for muscle protein synthesis, can play a role in stimulating muscle growth.

4.) Testosterone Booster: Although quail eggs do not directly contain substances that dramatically increase testosterone levels, a healthy diet that includes high-quality protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients (such as zinc and vitamin D) can contribute to maintaining optimal testosterone levels.

5.) Improved recovery: In addition, Japanese quail eggs can help in faster recovery from training, reducing inflammation and accelerating the muscle building process.


I experimented with Japanese quail eggs and found the following:

  • We cannot expect much from these eggs in terms of muscle growth due to the percentage of protein. If you have experience in the gym, you know that for muscle growth you need to be in a positive calorie intake
    and that a minimum of 1.5 – 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is needed (this ratio should be even higher if you are on a round of anabolic steroids).
    If a person is in heavy training, a maximum of 10 Japanese quail eggs per day is recommended. If there is 1.3 gram of protein in one egg, that is +13 grams of protein per day, which is not so bad, but nothing special.
  • What is good about bodybuilding and these eggs in general is that I achieved fantastic results during an extreme diet for definition and loss of body fat for a month.
    10 eggs a day can pretty much save your muscles from catabolism during extreme diets. They also contain the entire spectrum of left-chain amino acids, vitamins and minerals that can replace synthetic vitamin complex tablets as well as amino acids tablets or whey and isolate.
    Unless you are an athlete, you should not drink more than 5 eggs per day.
    When you are on a negative calorie intake, these eggs are an excellent choice because of only 150 calories per 100 grams of eggs (1 egg = 15 cal), while also providing the entire spectrum of amino acids, vitamin D, zinc and everything necessary for
    maintaining testosterone levels during extreme diets.


    • Vitamin A, vitamin B complex, zinc and vitamin E indirectly affect collagen production. Shiny hair, healthier nails and elastic and healthy skin are the results of consuming Japanese quail eggs.

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