My name is Milan Radisic

Born and raised in northern Serbia, in the city of Zrenjanin, back in the 1980s. While studying geography, life circumstances forced me to leave college and get a job in mechanical engineering, where I still work today.

In 2019, I moved to the capital and started working at a thermal power  plant , by the Danube River.

This website, a personal blog, was created as a result of my great love for old cars, geography, history, cooking, as well as various creative jobs and hobbies that people do. 

The website is very easy to use and through registration you can also post some of your interesting stories related to similar topics.  As a registered subscriber, you receive email notifications about new content as well as the ability to download images and short videos in full format.

I hope you enjoy reading my stories, as well as visually via YouTube and social networks, at least as much as I do.